
Deborah Hustic – intermedia artist, artistic director and senior project manager of Radiona.org – Zagreb Makerspace. She is into sound art (open source hardware, sound boxes and synthesizers), wearable technology, device_art and educational development via workshops, supporting the STEAM concept of education. She has taken part in many festivals, exhibitions, museums and conferences in Croatia and abroad in the domain of DIY and DIWO electronics, intermedia and hybrid arts. For the past few years she has been exploring and working on sustainable models of project management for hackerspaces, makerspaces and media labs. Founder of Textil{e}tronics – a project for curating, workshops, lectures and production in the field of wearables / hybrid arts. Deborah has run a series of workshops concerned with creative electronics, eTextiles, system innovation and design thinking for children, young adults and adults. She creates music scores for dance performances and performance artists under name Micronia. Holds MA in Comparative literature and Ethnology at the University of Zagreb, focusing on ethno-theatrology and anthropological theater (physical theater and dance) with graduation theme about Butoh. Certificated in Project Management and Systemic Innovation. Deborah worked for  years as a blogger and editor fully emerged into digital culture, nowadays transferring this knowledge into diverse projects, as well for museums. Worked for many years as a policy maker in the fields of creative education, intercultural competences, minorities integration and social inclusion for cultural sector. Also covers the environmental and climate change topics.

For more detailed CV check here: http://www.bodypixelstudio.com/cv/

Web: bodypixelstudio.com // textiletronics.org // radiona.org
Blog: body-pixel.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/micronia.sound/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/body_pixel
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deborah_hustic/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bodypixel?ppe=1
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bodypixel/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4853078-body-pixel

Deborah Hustić – intermedijska umjetnica, projektna menadžerica i kustosica Udruge za razvoj ‘uradi sam’ kulture – Radiona/Zagreb Makerspace. Bavi se nosivom tehnologijom i zvukom (open source hardver, zvučne kutije i sintesajzeri), razvojem edukacije putem radionica, podržavajući STEAM koncept edukacije. Sudionica brojnih međunarodnih festivala, izložbi i konferencija u domeni DIY / DIWO elektronike, intermedijalnih i hibridnih umjetnosti. Posljednjih nekoliko godina istražuje održive modele menadžmenta za hackerspace-ove, makerspace-ove i medijske labove. Voditeljica niza radionica kreativne elektronike i eTekstila za djecu, mlade i odrasle, kao i za nastavnike likovne umjetnosti. Stvara eksperimentalnu elektroničku glazbu za plesne predstave i performanse pod nazivom Micronia. Diplomirala komparativnu književnost i etnologiju na temu Butoh plesa na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, te tijekom cijelog studija bila fokusirana na etno-teatrologiju i izvedbenu antropologiju. Certificirana u području projektnog menadžmenta (RIT) na edX platformi. Osam godina djelovala kao blogerica (http://www.body-pixel.com/) i web urednica. Nastupala na nizu međunarodnih festivala za eksperimentalnu elektroničku glazbu.

Web: bodypixelstudio.com // textiletronics.org // radiona.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/micronia.sound/




